Integrate xAPI Data with AI for Advanced Learning Insights

The world of AI is here to stay, so why not take advantage of it. If you've been using xAPI for any length of time, you may know that trying to get meaning reports can be a little challenging.
This site has been started to share what others are doing in this space and how collectively, we can use xAPI to gain better insights.

A customGPT has been created to allow no-code non technical users to run reports on their xAPI data.

If you don't already have it, you will need to get your data from your Learning Record Store (LRS). A tool has been developed to fetch and cleanse your xAPI data.

You will need you Endpoint, Client and Secret

Open customGPT Open xAPI Tool

xAPI Prompts

Prompting is the key to getting the best out of your xAPI data. Below are some prompt idea's you could use:

  • Summarize the activities performed by all actors in the dataset.
  • Provide a summary of all actions performed on the object named insert name of the activity.
  • Provide a detailed report of all activities with their results and timestamps.
  • Generate a report of all actors’ activities, including time, progress, and played segments of all video's.
  • List all activities performed by the actor named ‘John Doe’.
  • What activities did ‘John Doe’ perform on insert name of the activity?
  • Summarize the progress of ‘John Doe’ on the insert name of the activity.
  • What are the completion details for ‘Jane Doe’ on the insert name of the activity?
  • Analyze the progress of all actors for the insert name of the activity.
  • Analyze the engagement metrics for actors in the dataset.
  • Summarize the context and results of the activities performed by actors on insert name of the activity.
  • What were the session details for actors who interacted with insert name of the activity?
  • Summarize the session details for all actors in the dataset from Start Date to End Date.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of session length and interactions for the insert name of the activity.

xAPI AI Resources

This is ongoing and will add more as I know them!

The best way to learn and understand xAPI, and in particular with AI, reach out and connect with these industry leaders:

Got someone who should be on the list? Got a resource that should be added? Connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a message